We provide localization and translation services to many of the world's Fortune 500 companies: (Sorted in Alphanumeric Order)
Automation & Manufacture GE, Moog, MTL, Rittal, Rockwell, Siemens Automation & Drive
Automotive AVL, BMW, Lotus Cars, Toyota, Honda
Business Management & Intelligence Agile PLM, B2B International, Business Objects, CMS, Cognos, CombineNet, Front Rang Solutions, Ingram Micro, Telelogic, SAS
Chemistry & Energy ExxonMobil, GE, US Energy Association, Waters
Education & e-Learning Auralog, Genevalogic
Electronics & Telecommunications Basler, Canon, Convergys, EXFO, HP, Jabil, Malvern Instruments, Microbeam, Panasonic, Siemens Electronics, Tektronix, Texas Instruments, NSC, Qualcomm, Vertu, Wavecom
Finance & Legal Chicago Merchant Exchange, Standard & Poor's Investment, Fiserv, ING, NetEconomy, Savills
IT & Software Adaptec, Autonomy, BEA, BMC, CA, HP, IBM, Ilog, Intel, Mercury, Microsoft, PTC, Qualys, Quest Software, SAP, Secude IT Security, Sybase, Symantec, SUN Microsystems
Life Science Abbott Labs, Acuson, ADAC Labs, GE, IWK Health Centre, PerkinElmer, Philips, Siemens Medical
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Beijing Shangdi Office: 010-87748271 |
Shanghai Branch: 021-51877650 |
Beijing Haidian Office: 010-51295915 |
Beijing CBD Office: 010-87765326 |